Kim Bloodson checks in from Africa


Freestyle Now squad member Kim Bloodson  has been in Africa of about three weeks now. He is having a blast and spent the first few weeks in Durban and are now in Capetown. Kim has sent in a quick update and a few snap shots, read on.

Kim and Andy in Africa 1

“Hey there you hungry little freaks. Well as you may know I’m South Africa riding some very rad things. The scene here is just the same as home and the level of riding is amazing to say the least. Giant universities and secret spots hidden deep in the African savannah, trail jams, and to kill yourself street spots. 

Kim and Andy in Africa 3

I spent a night in a Zulu village. Woke up at 6am and climbed the biggest mountain I’ve ever seen, nearly died heaps, then went swimming in waterfalls and teached some Zulu kids how to ride trails and changes some lives, rad fun. I also slept a night in the BMX direct warehouse. It was a night of madness. 

Kim and Andy in Africa 2

Cape town is a crazy place, got searched for guns at the scariest nightclub I’ve ever seen, a small dreadlocked lesbian threatened to stab me in my sleep and cut of my moustache. Crazy scene. 
Remember when your mum would say THERE ARE STARVING KIDS IN AFRICA THAT WOULD LOVE YOUR DINNER? Well it’s true man, so listen to your mama… Now get outside and ride you little freaks and remember GOOD THINGS DON’T COME TO THOSE THAT WAIT!!!!! Get busy…. Haven’t taken any real photos yet, just having too much fun…
Love from your friendly Bloodson xox.”