
Freestyle Now recently performed some bmx stunt shows at St Norbert College. Freestyle Now squad members David Pinelli, Dylan Schmidt and Matt Adkins were joined by our new reserves squad member Jack Carwardine. Freestyle Now performed some great entertaining bmx stunt shows for the students. The St Norbert college students got to see some awesome bmx stunts like back flips, tail whips, flairs and 360’s. It is with these incredible stunts that we hope to inspire other people to take up bmx riding or at least go out and be active. Make sure you check out our coming events page to see where the next Freestyle Now bmx stunt shows will be going down. If you would like this type of great entertainment at your next event or school please get in contact with Freestyle Now with your requirements.

Clockwise from top left – Jack Carwardine got to roll out the rad at his own school on this day – Dylan Schmidt has the most awesome supermans – David Pinelli with a 360 toboggan – Dylan Schmidt with a 360 vertical rotational pull (a.k.a. back flip)

Short video highlights from the Freestyle Now stunt shows at St Norberts college.