Freestyle Now hosted a skatepark competition at Bremer Bay skatepark. Prior to the competition, Freestyle Now conducted a skatepark coaching session, where participants learned new skills and gained confidence in navigating the skatepark. They also received tips on how a skatepark competition is judged and how to plan their competition run. During the competition, many participants put this advice into practice, resulting in an exciting event well-attended by the town of Bremer Bay. All participants received prizes, regardless of their placing, and some even entered more than one discipline, earning them more prizes. Freestyle Now extends our gratitude to the Bremer Bay community resource centre and Healthways for their support, and invites everyone to check our coming events page for more information on future competitions and other events. Be sure to check the past competitions page here page for a full list of all the competitions we have hosted.
Clockwise from top left – Ayden Maley using the flyout zone for some double whips – Jeff Evans skates really well – Ruby Clews gain lots of confidence in the coaching session and then entered the competition and did handstands – Lincoln Young getting X’ed up – More photos can be found on our Facebook page here
Bremer Bay skatepark competition 12th January 2023 – official results
Skateboard open – 1st Jeff Evans
Skateboard intermediate – 1st Jordy Tomas, 2nd Beau Benger, 3rd Victor Famika, 4th Kai Sweeney
Skateboard beginners – 1st Maddie Sweeney, 2nd Tate Benger, 3rd Jade Tomas, 4th Maeve Beuton
Scooter intermediate – 1st Ayden Maley, 2nd Paddy Belton, 3rd Victor Furmica, 4th Blake Metham, 5th Dylan Kellow
Scooter beginners – 1st Ruby Clews, 2nd Crus Lyon, 3rd Jake Milton, 4th Airle Benger, 5th Kai Sweeney, 6th Damon Walker, 7th Matthys Burger, 8th Rohan Kellow, 8th Lenny Brenton, 9th Charlie Milton, 10th Lukas Berger, 11th Maeve Belton, 12th Kelsea Roukens
Inline skates – 1st Ruby Clews, 2nd Macca Clews
BMX – 1st Lincoln Young, 2nd Jake Jolly, 3rd Philip Stimpson