Brady Thomas – Freestyle Now reserves member


Freestyle Now has seen many members over its 26 year history. As we continually grow we also need to grow our squad. But adding new squad members is not as easy as you might think. Sure there are plenty of great riders out there but we think it takes a certain person to really have the appropriate attitude, skill, personality and all round radabillity to be asked to join Freestyle Now. Brady Thomas fits all of these attributes. At the age of 14 he is progressing well and has an awesome ability on and off his bike. Way back in early 2008 when Brady was 9 he attended a Freestyle Now coaching session in his old home town of Lancelin. Since then he has kept rolling out the bmx but only in the last 2 years has he really gotten into busting out the radness and learning tricks.  Recently Brady suffered an injury to his leg and ankle after jumping over a fence at the new Ocean Reef skatepark, it was huge. When ask what the heck he just replied, “ I wanted a banger ender for an edit”.  Welcome to the squad Brady, let the radness be unlimited.

Nac Nac with style

Brady jumping the fence at Ocean Reef to ankle injury