Round 17 Freestyle Now Western Australian Skatepark Series


This Saturday is the final round of the Freestyle Now Western Australian Skatepark Series which takes place at the Singleton skatepark. Competitors can enter into either beginners or advanced division in the three categories, skateboard, scooter and bmx as well as a girls only class. The competition is supported by the City of Rockingham and our supporters, Stowaway distribution, Sacrifice scooters and 4 skateboard Co
The Singleton competition is one of five skatepark competitions taking place within the City of Rockingham as part of the Rocky’s skate scooter and bike series. In this series the top 3 place getters in the advanced class will win an invite to the “invite only” competition that the City of Rockingham is supporting with $10000 prize money. The competition takes place in June 2014 on a purpose built park. With two of the five competitions already done, there are now only 3 left, Singleton 7th December, Rockingham 25th January and Golden Bay 24th April. The first invite only competition went down in June this year, go check it out here and get it on your competition hit list. Remember the only way to compete in this comp is to win your invite. Don’t forget to check out our coming events page to keep up to date with all the new information.

rockingham singleton competition 7 december