The adventures of Kash Man and T Banger continue again


The Kash man and T banger sent through an update from their adventure
They have been riding trails out on the east coast as well as hitting up Mark Potanzis house. As Kie said it was amazing and he can’t wait to ride some more sweet spots.
On the weekend they hit up the Brawlin at the Belmar comp. Tim was riding great until he cased an head butted the bars and needed stitches in his lip. It was one of the biggest jumps Tim had seen. Kie got the 4th in the pro finals. That is super awesome. Will have some photos from Kie posted up soon.
Tim is starting his trek back home to get ready for the next lot of Freestyle Now demos this weekend and Kie is staying on in America for a bit more. He is going to be riding Kelly Bakers trails, cliff jumping in Ithaca and some more camping.
Sounds like they have been having a awesome time.