Dez Maarsen – Fight the winter bmx flatland contest


Freestyle Now squad member Dez Maarsen attend the Fight the Winter bmx flatland contest to kick off the 2018 bmx flatland contest session. The contest was held in Göttingen Germany. Fight the Winter contest had lots of the heavy hitters in the pro bmx flatland curcit. After this first run Dez was sitting in second place behind Dominik Nekolný. In round 2 it was Alberto Moya who had an amazing run pushing him up to second behind Dominik Nekolný with Dez Maarsen taking out the 3rd place. Flatland bmx is the hardest forms of bmx competition with hours of practice put into a contest run and Dez hits the flatland harder then most so you know he is dialed. Congratulations Dez on taking the 3rd place keep rolling out the rad.

 Dez Maarsen captured mid halfpaker just before he switched to another combo Picture by Nils Henrik