Freestyle Now hosted Bremer Bay’s second skatepark competition for the Bremer bay community resource centre thanks Healthways and the Shire of Jerramungup. The day before the competition Freestyle Now hosted a skatepark coaching session. Lots of participants learnt new skills and gained confidence with navigating the skatepark. Freestyle Now also spoke to the participants about how a skatepark competition is judged and how to plan out a competition run. At the competition many of the participants put this advice to good use. The competition was well attended by the town of Bremer Bay with many spectators and supporters, which was great to see. At the end of the competition all the participants no matter their placing took home a prize. It was also good to see some participants entering more than one discipline, yeah more prizes. A big thank you to the Bremer bay community resource centre. Be sure to check our coming events page for more information on all of our coming events. A full list of all the competitions that freestyle Now has hosted can be found on the past competitions page here.
Skatepark competitions are a fun time to hang with friends and put all the skills you have learnt to the test. Bremer Bay had lots of fun. More photos can be found on our Facebook page here.
Bremer Bay skatepark competition 13th January 2022 – Official results
Scooter beginner – 1st Ruby Clews, 2nd Annabelle Reddington, 3rd Patrick Witham, 4th Maeve Belton, 5th Chloe Kellow, 6th Mikayla Reddington.
Scooter intermediate – 1st Ronan Ross, 2nd Ian Johnson, 3rd Victor Formica, 4th Zac Thompson, 5th Josh Mitchell, 6th Dylan Kellow, 7th Paddy Belton, 8th John Sugars.
Blades – 1st Caleb Kellow.
Skateboard beginner – 1st Jordy Thomas, 2nd Rohan Kellow, 3rd Henry Stone, 4th Felix Steinwandel.
Skateboard open – 1st Jeff Evans, 2nd Maisie Mitchell.
BMX – 1st Zack Thompson, 2nd Jed Johnson, 3rd Lincoln Young, 4th Boston Barrows.