Freestyle Now rolling out the rad in Port Hedland


Josh boosting a tabletop on a full pipe that was never meant to be ridden.

Freestyle Now recently travelled to Port Hedland for a week of youth engagement, skatepark coaching and to host a skatepark competition. Freestyle Now squad members Shaun Jarvis, Karee Furnevall and Josh Garwood  were given the task to roll out the rad over the week. Skatepark coaching workshops took place at the Port Hedland skatepark as well as the super large South Hedland skatepark. It is great to help others learn how to roll out the rad. On the Monday the squad got to hang out at the Port Hedland BMX track. On the Wednesday to squad travelled out to the Warralong community and did a school presentation session. It was a great experience and we hope to be back there again soon. The skatepark coaching workshops defiantly helped many skatepark participants learn more skill which they all put to use in the competition on the Friday night. It was also great to see the Evans family from down in Perth, skating in Port Hedland and attending the competition. Cruz, Via and Zen are all rad skaters.


Shaun, Karee and Josh captured some of the radness that took place on the Port Hedland trip. Be sure to check out the video


Clockwise from left – Josh bunnyhops over Shaun at the school at the Warralong community – Karee whipping it up on the flat at the Warralong community – The skatepark coaching session at Port Hedland was well attended – Some of the termite mounts have started wearing hard hat due to the occupational health and safety regulation that has been imposed on them. More photos can be found on our facebook page here.